
Open Grand Final

  • 1
    In developing countries with weak civil-military control, THS the use of mandatory conscription.
  • 2
    In post-colonial states, THS militaries with strong nationalist ideologies over militaries that see themselves as autonomous, professional bodies.
  • 3
    In countries with weak central governance, THP urban-based civil society-supported military coups.
  • EFL Grand Final

  • 1
    This House believes that progressive movements should opt to aggressively fund think-tanks with the explicit goal of shifting the Overton Window, at the expense of grassroots mobilisation in the form of protests and riots.
  • 2
    This House prefers guilt society over shame society
  • 3
    This House regrets the pervasiveness of colonial determinism in discourse surrounding African development and politics
  • Open Semifinals

  • 1
    THP that the main opposition leader in authoritarian countries to be individuals with a strong background in politics and governance over working class commoners
  • 2
    THR the use of the narrative of successful colonial resistance by political parties for political gain
  • 3
    THBT opposition parties in authoritarian democracies should actively prioritise their militant wings over their political wings
  • EFL Semifinals

  • 1
    THP that the main opposition leader in authoritarian countries to be individuals with a strong background in politics and governance over working class commoners
  • 2
    THR the use of the narrative of successful colonial resistance by political parties for political gain
  • 3
    THBT opposition parties in authoritarian democracies should actively prioritise their militant wings over their political wings
  • Open Quarterfinals

  • 1
    This House, as an ordinary believer of a monotheistic religion, would choose to believe in religious pluralism over religious inclusivism
  • 2
    This House believes that left-wing political movements should heavily support the re-interpretation of religious stories (of prophets, miracles, parables, and verses) to justify pragmatic economic goals such as wealth redistribution
  • 3
    This House prefers a world in which the conception of sin in Abrahamic religions is entirely a result of human agency as opposed to temptation of the devil
  • EFL Quarterfinals

  • 1
    This House, as an ordinary believer of a monotheistic religion, would choose to believe in religious pluralism over religious inclusivism
  • 2
    This House believes that left-wing political movements should heavily support the re-interpretation of religious stories (of prophets, miracles, parables, and verses) to justify pragmatic economic goals such as wealth redistribution
  • 3
    This House prefers a world in which the conception of sin in Abrahamic religions is entirely a result of human agency as opposed to temptation of the devil
  • Open Octofinals

  • 1
    This House, as Saudi Arabia, would look for stronger ties with China at the expense of USA
  • 2
    This House believes that closer Arab-Israeli ties are in the best interest of Palestinians
  • 3
    This House, as the Likud Party, would not field Benjamin Netanyahu in the event of an upcoming election
  • Open Partial Double Octas

  • 1
    This House would compel giant social media and instant messaging platforms (Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.) to demand a much higher threshold of identification and verifiability from their users
  • 2
    This House regrets the rise of the influencer business model
  • 3
    This House regrets social-media-based self-disclosure groups for mental health
  • Round 8

  • 1
    This House believes that the World Bank should hold major government enterprises as collateral while issuing loans to countries who have a track record of corruption
  • 2
    This House believes that the post-COVID economic resuscitation plans of Asian countries in weaker economic positions should heavily focus on local production of real sector goods (agriculture and manufacture) instead of on services or international trade
  • 3
    In countries with large agricultural sectors, this House believes that the state should impose strict regulations to determine the output and best practices for local farmers
  • Round 7

  • 1
    This House regrets the feminist cult of personality surrounding female leaders from prominent political families in developing countries
  • 2
    This House, as a female executive in a male-dominated industry, would give preferential treatment to female subordinates
  • 3
    This House regrets the de-politicization of the drag culture
  • Round 6

  • 1
    This House, as Abiy Ahmed, would abandon attempts at creating the proposed Prosperity Party and reinstate the Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)
  • 2
    This House regrets Juan Guaidó's decision to boycott the Venezuelan elections
  • 3
    This House regrets the rise of the Turkish Pan-Islamist Media
  • Round 5

  • 1
    This House would subsidize the use and development of psychedelics-based therapy as a treatment to those with prolonged PTSD and depressive symptoms
  • 2
    This House, as religious organisations, would actively encourage followers to consume hallucinogens and psychedelics for religious/spiritual/mystical events
  • 3
    In areas with significant amount of illegal trade and production of drugs, this House believes that the state should legalise and aggressively produce and sell drugs.
  • Round 4

  • 1
    THBT the Democrats in the United States should focus their political efforts into swinging moderate and conservative voters in traditionally 'Red' states (e.g. Arkansas, Utah, Mississippi etc.), as opposed to galvanising their existing voter bases.
  • 2
    This House, as the Biden Administration, would continue the trade war with China
  • 3
    This House, as the Justice Democrats, would leave the Democrat Party and make their own party
  • Round 3

  • 1
    This House regrets India's withdrawal from the RCEP
  • 2
    This House, as India, would aggressively fund the Pakistan Democratic Movement
  • 3
    This House, as the Hijra community, would embrace the mythology surrounding them
  • Round 2

  • 1
    This House would make entry into university based on a lottery after passing a basic high school exam
  • 2
    THW not allow colleges to recruit students using sports scholarships
  • 3
    THW impose a cap on university endowments, in favour of directing the money towards grants given to individual professors/researchers.
  • Round 1

  • 1
    In developed countries, THW increase the tax on the use of non-renewable energy sources to be equivalent to the cost of the closest renewable energy source.
  • 2
    THBT human beings have a moral responsibility to preserve the ecology of earth, even at the expense of their own survival.
  • 3
    TH, as a developing country, would choose to deprioritise economic modernisation in favour of the Gross National Happiness Index.